In marketing there is a big focus on connecting with the right audience and moving prospects closer to purchasing products. In fact, many organizations evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign (or even a complete marketing team) based on the leads that that it generates. We are not going to discuss in this blog if this… Read more »
“Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” This is an old saying and in case you were wondering where you could possibly be to put yourself into that situation, the answer is the ocean. That salt water can suck the life right out of you. Can you imagine how agonizing it would be… Read more »
As a marketer, I am certain you have heard from your customers, your sales channel, and/or your management that no one likes to have emails flooding their inbox or magazines piling up on their desks. In business to business, this strategy is called “pull” marketing—and it is all about being in the right place at… Read more »
Hats off to CFE Media ( for their stream of continuous innovation. The company was founded a year ago to take over a number of engineering-focused titles that were shed by Reed Business Information. CFE is lead by a progressive team of two former Reed publishers, who decided to approach their editorial and advertising strategy… Read more »
I recently read an article traveling in American Way about a social media start-up. While that hardly sounds like news today—it was a VERY unique startup. The startup, WEB 2.0 Suicide Machine at, is the antithesis of social media today. Instead of striving for more followers, friends, connections or contacts, annihilates all the… Read more »